Monday, June 14, 2010

Working My Workbook

I'm working my way through The Writing The Breakout Novel workbook in preparation for my next WIP. There's some really good stuff in here.

I'm getting to know things about my characters, plot, backstory, etc. that may never even show up in the book, but it's great fun to write.


  1. I haven't tried the workbook, but the actual book WTBON is amazing. Donald Maass is also an excellent speaker, so if you're ever at a conference and he's presenting, make sure to attend. :)

    Good luck with the planning!

    Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse

  2. I'm glad you're enjoying the workbook. I really need to play with some more of the exercises he has in there. He makes it all seem so simple and logical, doesn't he??

    And Angela, I would love to hear him speak! I didn't know he did conferences--I'll have to check that out.
