Sunday, August 8, 2010

Blogging on Vacation

I know, I know. Most people just say, "Hey, I'm on vaca, won't be blogging, commenting, etc., see ya..." But I thought, that seems like information that burglars would use to stake out empty homes and target them. So maybe I should just not mention the vaca. (Don't get me wrong, if anyone burgled my home, they would be like WTF, this broad has NOTHING of value), but still... So I've been trying to keep up on my blogging, etc. this week.

Plus with Write On Con coming up, I need to keep in the swing of things.

So you tell me. Do you continue to blog, tweet, etc. while on vacation? If you mention that you're going to be out of town on a social networking sight, do you ever fear that people will exploit that information?


  1. I don't offer enough info online for anyone to know which house to burgle when I'm away ;)

    But it's certainly good to be aware of the dangers!!

  2. I never announce on Facebook (the social network every single Icelander is connected to, even my grandmother, who's very active there) when I leave my house for short or long periods of time. I also never say that I'll be home alone (something terrible happened to a woman here who once wrote that in a chat channel). I've sort of made this into a rule, and automatically don't mention it in my blog - even though it would be pretty difficult to find out who I really am unless you know me by sight (Tessa Quin is a pen name).

    I tried to blog in my vacation, but since the twins were home, I was just soooo tired at the end of the day that I only managed a blog a week or so.

  3. When I went away in June, I wrote some posts beforehand and scheduled them to go up while I was away. I also did not announce it on FB, though the fact that I wasn't posting anything for a week was probably an even bigger tip off than me shouting I'M LEAVING!

  4. I never post on facebook or twitter that I'm going on vacation. I sometimes share that I "went" on vacation (always after the fact). For my blog I have the feature where I can write drafts and schedule the dates I want them to be posted ;) So no problem there.
    It's always good to keep it to yourself just to be safe.

  5. hmmm...I never thought about making myself the target of criminals. Maybe I should be smarter. heh.

    But, of course, I do like to enjoy by vacations by focusing on nothing beyond relaxing and books books books.

  6. It's on my agenda to find out how to use the pre-post thing. Sometimes this is more relaxing than dealing with the 4 kids. Some people go on vacation to get away from their kids, not me, i spend mine with my nieces and nephew. They're fun, but oh my, I have a huge appreciation for parents.

  7. Melissa! Are you watching Natalie on Twitter? Her comment on your Milo query:

    ! "death as a zombie is not going so well for Milo the rabbit. His eyeball won't stop bouncing on his face." #83

    I know I said I don't like animal protags, but I'd be down for a Bunnicula #queries - and one of the characters is an owl pellet!!!

    And...drumroll...the queries I would turn to pages are: 41, 58, 59, 60, 63, 65, 73, 76, 77, 79, 83, 87 (83 is you, Melissa!)

    This means she'd be interested in reading your stuff. I got so excited when I saw that.

  8. Hi. I saw your post on Natalie Fischer's query critique thing and just couldn't stop myself from sending you a comment. When that gets published, PLEASE let me know because I will go out and buy it. Hell, I'll buy 5 copies to give out to my friends as gifts. Just your query had me rolling...imagine what the book could do!

    Anyway, based on your query I decided you were brilliant. Just thought you should know. :)
