Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What Would Your Character Do or Say Wednesday

I’m always looking for questions to ask my characters; anything to pull them out of their shell and see how they act in foreign territory. I wondered what it would be like if my characters participated in other Middle Grade and Young Adult stories. How would they act in Narnia, or at Hogwarts? It’s interesting to see how your characters act in a completely different setting. .

Questions Based on Operation Redwoods:
Waking up alone in an abandoned office, Julian Carter-Li intercepts an angry e-mail message meant for his high-powered uncle:

With that, OPERATION REDWOOD is set in motion as Julian discovers his Uncle Sibley's plan to log an ancient redwood grove in Northern California. Will there be "consequences" when Sibley discovers Julian's been tampering with his e-mail? Can Julian find out more about Robin, the intriguing girl who sent the message? Can he escape math camp for the summer and help save Big Tree Grove? Is Operation Redwood doomed to failure . . . or is there hope?

1) Does your character have a cause that he/she is passionate about?

2) What would your character be willing to risk for a cause that they believe in?

3) Does your character have a best friend?

4) How would your character handle the relationship with his/her best friend when a new friend enters into the picture, (especially if that new friend is the opposite sex.)


  1. Wow, great questions. I'm such a freak, I don't even know when my MC's birthday is so I doubt she would be able to save a redwood forest.

  2. What a great exercise in characterization!

  3. Friends are such a great way of giving insight into a character. They show who he opens himself up to and is vulnerable around.

    My characters best friend is his wife. If that friendship were to be messed up then there's no telling how things might go pearshaped but they would.


  4. I love the premise of this book!!!! I might have a look for this title!!

    Ooooh my mc has a best friend but my mc sort of goes abit awry and treats him horribly at one point! Oh dear!!

    Take care

  5. Oooh fun!
    1) Does your character have a cause that he/she is passionate about? Yes! He would really really like to be human again so he can be with his friends and family.

    2) What would your character be willing to risk for a cause that they believe in? His humanity. The thing that's he wants the most.

    3) Does your character have a best friend? Yip.

    4) How would your character handle the relationship with his/her best friend when a new friend enters into the picture, (especially if that new friend is the opposite sex.) Nothing changes between them. No matter what.

  6. Great questions. I like questions that reveal their loyalties and morality. This tells me a lot about them.

    Angela @ the Bookshelf Muse

  7. Melissa - Great questions!!! In my MG novel, my MC does have something she's passionate about and in the end, this passion helps "save the world". Dun. Dun. Dun. LOL

  8. Great questions. Might have to go and interview my main character :)

