Friday, September 24, 2010

The Quintessentially Questionable Query Experiment

Matt has kindly featured my query for Zombie Rabbit on his blog:

Matt's blog is really great. It focuses a lot on the madness that is the query process. So if your in the thick of that, you should check it out. If you're not there yet, check it out to get prepared for the future fun. If you've been there, done that, check it out to rejoice or commisserate with others who've been in your shoes.

He also has some other fun features such as his 12 step program for blog-aholics.


  1. Yep, Matt is one of the good ones.

  2. It's been so long since I've read blogs! I'm devoting an hour tonight to go through what I've missed on your page - Ted, I'm also visiting yours!

    How exciting that you're now a guest blogger! You're rising up in this world, Melissa. You'll be published before you know it ;)

  3. Just adding this here too, in case Matt deletes my entry because it critiques a bit of your query ^.^

    "If he can save a rabbit from an animal testing lab before the next full moon, or before he and his friends disintegrate completely, he and his friends can all move on."

    Repetition. You also mention his friends in the next paragraph, so they sort of pop out of the blue in this paragraph.

    Other than that, I think you have a kick-ass query letter!

  4. Thanks for introducing us to Matt, I'm away over there now.
